Impeachment Headlines

The other day the United State House of Representatives IMPEACHED DONALD J. TRUMP, the third president in our history that has experienced this! What an historic moment! I was old enough to understand more about the impeachment process when they did it to Clinton (it must have been the House, but not the Senate that impeached him), even though I was not old enough to vote for him the first time he ran. But I had always been confused as to why republicans, for years kept on talking about Clinton’s impeachment and I didn’t get that because he never had to leave office. But I have been learning more about the process of impeachment this time.

I got the idea to put a blog post up because on the news I saw a bunch of different newspapers with these similar headline, that a news anchor was showing people. It made me happy, plus showed me that I was living in an important moment in history. I like history and to document important moments.

I admit that there are many things I don’t understand about the process. I’m not a lawyer, a congressional scholar, not an expert on the Ukraine, and knew little about ambassadors before this. I'm still learning as I've said. I do enjoy learning in general!

I admit this process has been a little dry at times. While other times, like the day I did crafts for 6 hours in a row watching the hearings, I felt like it was a binge-worthy show I just couldn’t stop watching. Besides being a little dry in general I found the republican responses to be monotonous. Perhaps I’ll get into that in another post.

This post, which you have probably already started enjoying, is not about me going into all the issues. I don’t know all the issues, although I know many. Most of us know a lot of this information. That includes the minority members in the House and majority members in the Senate who, as Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, who always wanted to poop on things, (remember him from the show Late Night with Conan Obrien?) in their place would probably say to “I want poop on the evidence/truth/constitution”. But I’m not going to assume you are enjoying the pictures; all these lovely headlines that make a part of me deep inside grin gleefully. You may not be happy because, “all those immigrants are taking our jobs, women are now making 70 something cents to our dollar instead of 40," or "us white males have 98% percent of the power and not 100% anymore which makes us victims,” or other such shit in one’s bigoted head. I won’t go into all the reasons you might not be happy about this.

Another reason, which I think valid, is this is sad that it has had to come to this. This is sad this president is corrupt, and this is sad he couldn’t just not be a total asshole, or this is sad he was allowed to get away with everything else before this that was so offensive to so many, this is sad that the world has to watch, or this is sad your relative voted for this crazy insensitive orange fellow who only cares about himself, which makes it seem like your relative doesn’t give a shit about you, or this is sad I (NOT ME- a supposed person. I'd rather be accused of much worse crimes than that. But then would they really be worse crimes?) voted for this guy- I was duped. There are many reasons this is not a happy situation.

And one last reason this is not a happy situation is because the Senate must vote. Some staunch supporters of the president in the Senate have even said they will read none of the evidence and vote against impeachment, so, with the Senate having the majority it’s sad how that might go. And if Trump would get impeached there’s Mike Pence, the guy the website “God Hates Fags”, probably said, “are you sure we should really take our homophobia that far dude?” to, would be president.

But this post is about enjoying the moment in history. My neighbor sent me the news on the evening of December 18th, and asked when my party was, because I said I wanted to have an impeachment party. (And wrote an essay about how to plan an Impeachment Party, but technology is weird, or I suck at it, so I lost it). At first, I thought I shouldn’t have one unless he is completely forced to leave office but look at those headlines. I THINK THERE IS CASUSE TO CELEBRATE AT THEM; AT LEAST FOR A MOMENT.

Finally, I wanted to show international headlines of this historical event. It was very hard to do. There are way too many images online, obviously, and with my searches I usually just came up with pictures of Trump and people involved with the impeachment. I'm sure I could have easily gotten a hold of international reactions through websites, but there's something I just like about seeing big fat headlines in newspapers!
